
Friday, January 1, 2021

2020 in Review

 Jan: We started 2019 with the traditional cornbread, black eyed peas, and greens-for all the good it did us.

Feb: The end of the old times. I testified at the RI statehouse for parentage equality yet again. We went to shany sing and took the bus home. We went to Boston to visit the aquarium and see friends, then LB got a flu-like virus that was bad enough that her ped prescribed tamiflu while waiting for results. It was not the flu (eek).

March: I had started prepping in late Feb, but by March we were getting ready for whatever was coming, thinking it would be up to a month. We hung out with friends the Friday before the week of St Patricks Day and then locked down.

April: Home

May: Home, we didn't go camping


July: RI Parentage Bill signed by Governor

August and September: camping

October: LB went back to school 4 out of every 10 school days in a class of 6 and some politics happened

November: some politics happened, the world didn't end, I didn't have to stand on 95 and soccer ended
