
Sunday, August 31, 2014

"We will sing and play and have a good day!"

  • That's the new morning song in the preschool 2 class.  LB is moving on up on Tuesday, thankfully with her classmates.  And her new teacher is warm and kind and sensible like her old teacher.  And she has already learned the new morning circle song (see title).  But she's still struggling with the transition back to school after vacation weeks ago.  It's so hard to hear her say "is it stay home day. I want stay home day."
  • LB: eating huge amounts, lots of screaming and whining, and has at least three big falls in the last week-we are thinking growth spurt.  I went and got LB early on Friday so we could get an ice cream treat and go to the library and go to the park.  All was well.  We stopped to watch some kids swimming in the fountain, and then as LB ran toward the park she took an unintentional flying leap and landed on her head and knees.  I was afraid she was bleeding from her mouth, but it was just remnants of strawberry ice cream.  But her knees were really bad.  We left a Baltimore style blood trail before a nice stranger ran and got us some bandaids from his first aid kit.  
  • I love Labor Day.  Who can object to someone who says "Have a great Labor Day!"
  • Yesterday we went on a family heritage food tour of Fall River, MA.  We hit Hartley's Pork Pies and Patty's Pierogis.  Both were great, but next time we will eat in at Patty's and then get pies to go at Hartley's (we ate Hartley's in our car because they have not seating and then go some cold pierogis to fry at home).  Patti's seemed cute and friendly, and definitely worth eating in.  We also looked longingly at the several Coney Island hotdog purveyors on Main Street.  Next time we'll have to research the best one and stop there.
  • I've become such a downtown (downcity) Providence booster.  Providence is a great little city.  Amazing Gilded Era architecture (just don't look at City Hall for too long-you might go blind because it is the ugliest 2nd Empire building ever built).  Good coffee shops, good restaurants, good hotels (I so want to stay at the Dean), good bars, some real live book stores, parks, pop-up shops, and a mall with a movie theatre right downtown if you need a break from all the hipness.  Everyone should spend a weekend here.  And all super walkable.  
  • We signed up for service with Munroe Dairy and now I can have not only local milk, but both Hoodsie Cups and Autocrat syrup delivered to my door.  That's Rhode Island.  Sadly the HCs don't come with the little wooden spoon, which is an essential element to full experience.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

If you look at one thing today...

Check out the #iftheygunnedmedown tumblr:

As someone who works with young people and studies young people, it's intense to see the reality that I know, that young people are complicated, they're immature, they're self aware, they're kind, they're hardworking, they like to party and act crazy-to see all of that summed up by young people themselves.

Down with respectability, up with respect for lives.

Monday, August 4, 2014

PW Protected: "Things aren't very good around here anymore"

At my wordpress blog I've joined the other posters sharing the other side of the of the happy summer list posts.  Comment below or email me at if you want the password.  This post contains content appropriate only for those who like a little drama.